
class ties.Pair(ligA, ligZ, config=None, **kwargs)[source]

Facilitates the creation of morphs. It offers functionality related to a pair of ligands (a transformation).

  • ligA (Ligand or string) – The ligand to be used as the starting state for the transformation.

  • ligZ (Ligand or string) – The ligand to be used as the ending point of the transformation.

  • config (Config) – The configuration object holding all settings.

__init__(ligA, ligZ, config=None, **kwargs)[source]

Please use the Config class for the documentation of the possible kwargs. Each kwarg is passed to the config class.

fixme - list all relevant kwargs here

param ligand_net_charge: integer, net charge of each ligand (has to be the same)


__init__(ligA, ligZ[, config])

Please use the Config class for the documentation of the possible kwargs.


Performance optimisation in case TIES is rerun again.

make_atom_names_unique([out_ligA_filename, ...])

Ensure that each that atoms across the two ligands have unique names.


Merges the .frcmod files generated for each ligand separately, simply by adding them together.


Calculate the size of the common area.


set_suptop(suptop, parmed_ligA, parmed_ligZ)

Attach a SuperimposedTopology object along with the ParmEd objects for the ligA and ligZ.


Please see Config class for the documentation of kwargs.