- class ties.Config(**kwargs)[source]¶
The configuration with parameters that can be used to define the entire protocol. The settings can be overridden later in the actual classes.
The settings are stored as properties in the object and can be overwritten.
(**kwargs)- return:
Get a JSON serializable structure of the config.
After determining the maximum common substructure (MCS), use it to align the coordinates of the second molecule to the first.
Defines whether there might be multiple superimposed areas that are separated by alchemical region.
Antechamber path based on the .ambertools_home
Ambertools HOME path.
Parmchk2 path based on the .ambertools_home :return:
Tleap path based on the .ambertools_home :return:
Whether to use -dr setting when calling antechamber.
It defines the maximum difference in charge between any two superimposed atoms a1 and a2.
The tleap input file for the complex.
A file from which coordinate can be taken.
Ignore the charges during the superimposition.
Directory location where the .ac charges are converted into the .mol2 format.
Directory location with the .mol2 files.
Directory location with the .frcmod created for each ligand.
Directory location for files with unique atom names.
The forcefield for the ligand.
Either GAFF or GAFF2
A list of ligand filenames.
The ligand charge.
The name of the tleap input file for ambertools for the ligand.
If not provided, it tries to deduce whether charges are provided.
Either a list of pairs or a file with a list of pairs of atoms that should be superimposed/matched.
A path to a file with a list of a pairs that should be mismatched.
The MD engine, with the supported values NAMD2.13, NAMD2.14, NAMD3 and OpenMM
Defines how much the superimposed regions can, in total, differ in charge.
Path to the .frcmod files for the morph.
Path to the location where a test is carried out with .frcmod
Location of the morph files with unique filenames.
Path to the prep directory.
Path to the protein
The protein forcefield to be used by ambertools for the protein parameterisation.
The superimposed and matched atoms have every slightly different charges.
Set a starting pair for the superimposition to narrow down the MCS search.
Use element rather than the actual atom type for the superimposition during the joint-traversal of the two molecules.
Hybrid single dual topology (experimental).
Antechamber when assigning charges can modify the charges slightly.
Working directory for antechamber calls.